Bruxelles Antwerpen Gent Leuven Liège
Stéphane Darimont © Philippe Julémont, photographer.

Stéphane Darimont is a recruitment professional active in the field of executive search

(direct approach), specializing in recruiting C-Levels, senior and middle management, experts, and singular profiles.

His clients are actors in the world of finance (banks, insurance companies, private equity firms and asset managers), consultancy firms and other companies in the tertiary and secondary sectors.

He worked for more than thirty years in large European finance institutions and consulting/auditing firms in Brussels, Luxembourg, and Paris, acting first as an external auditor, before moving into financial and operational management, sales management, general management and finally, financial consulting.

His broad experience encompasses all areas of banking (corporate banking, investment banking, private banking/wealth management, asset management [including post-trade], retail banking), as well as insurance (life/pensions/non-life) and corporate finance.

He spent one decade as partner in one of the “Big Four” consulting firms, where he set up a department to serve multinationals (financial and non-financial) in the domains of financial risk management and actuarial expertise. He also developed an important business unit specialized in mergers and acquisitions (M&A transaction services) for the same firm.

Quadrilingual (EN, FR, NL, IT), holding a master’s degree in Business Administration, and a certificate in business ICT from UMons, Stéphane Darimont is the founder of the job sites “Banking & Finance Boulevard” and “Insurance Boulevard” and the author of “Nomenclature of Financial Sector Functions and Skills”.